Nation A:
A New Wave

How we plan to reshape the future

Entertainment / Education
/ Fashion/ Vision Pro


Unlocking the potential of animation

Generative AI is a powerhouse for creative minds to achieve plus ultra productivity. Experience the unknown possiblities of the movie & game industry with the infinite creative power of AI


Empowering education with
advanced 3D tech

Our AI-powered motion generation system revolutionizes remote education by introducing avatars for an immersive learning experience, making it engaging, inclusive and cost-effective.


Evolving fashion through
immersive 3D motion

Simulate to check the material, fit and quality by virtual fitting room & fashion shows. Also enjoy custom product recommendations from AI by learning consumer tastes and preferences.

Vision Pro

Revolutionzing next-gen experiences

With the emergence of Vision Pro, our company can help make an entrance for dynamic experiences with 3D technologies & products. With the new wave of softwares in Nation A, experience the innovation.